4 Great Tips For Getting Back To Normal After Lockdown
Posted: August 14, 2020
After months of isolation, it’s pretty safe to say that everyone is ready to get back to normal. But if the concept of “normal” now seems elusive, and you’re feeling a bit of anxiety about what’s coming next, just know that you are not alone. "None of us really know exactly what the future looks like. It's therefore understandable that many people will be worried about life after lockdown, whether that's concerns about returning to work, children going back to school, job security, finances, or generally adjusting to former routines," says Stephen Buckley, Head of Information at UK mental health charity, Mind.
We’ve gathered some of the best tips from the experts to help ease your concerns and make your transition back to normal as smooth as possible!
1. “Normal” Will Return Gradually. Hang In There!
We won’t see a night and day change, like flipping a switch. Rather, restrictions will lift a little bit at a time, and businesses and individuals will make the best decisions they can about what’s right for them. Older people and those with compromised immunity may choose to stay at home longer.
That’s OK, and may have psychological advantages as well. Says Buckley: "In terms of adjusting to change, phased approaches, rather than large and sudden ones, are generally easier to deal with. It's also important to recognise that some people won’t be ready to return to "normality", even if the lockdown eases and things like schools and workplaces reopen.”
2. Start Now To Reestablish Your Routine
It’s likely that your daily routine has changed significantly during lockdown. You may have been working from home, or not working at all; and in any case the kids have been home from school every day! Under these circumstances, it’s almost impossible to maintain our usual structure. One great way we can prepare ourselves to return to a normal state of being is to begin to bring back elements of our routine the way it was. Start now with proper bedtimes, mealtimes, wakeup times, etc.
3. Self-care Is Essential!
It’s easy to let your physical and mental health take a back seat to the endless job of parenting and working from home. Boundaries between personal, family and work time get erased, and there is always more to do. Sleep, exercise, nutrition and hydration are all important factors that can have an impact on our well-being.
Consider that sleep alone can have a huge effect. According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep is as important to human beings as air, water and food! A proper sleep schedule can help you manage your diet and stress levels. On average, we need 8 hours of sleep per night, and most of us are not getting it. Lack of sleep can limit your brain-power making work and learning more difficult, and it can also increase cravings for sugar and other unhealthy foods. Prioritize taking care of yourself, and especially getting quality sleep as you transition back to normal.
4. Get Back On Track With Regular Exercise
Regular exercise is one of the best ways to reduce stress and anxiety. If you do it every day, the benefits are increased. An exercise regimen during and after lockdown can be an effective way to ease the transition, with both short and long term benefits. And it’s one of the few ways to get a great workout while stuck at home, with virtual classes taught by certified instructors!
We believe martial arts is one of the best forms of exercise available. But its benefits go far beyond just exercise
Control – Martial Arts teaches self control. Students learn to use it as a tool to calm themselves in stressful situations.
Confidence – Martial Arts improves self-confidence and your ability to handle the difficult situations that your life might throw at you, inside the dojo and out!
Release –Martial Arts cannot erase stress and anxiety completely but it allows you to release stressful energy in a safe and controlled environment.
Positive Social Experience – Our classes are filled with people just like you, some are beginners are some are more experienced and can help show you the way. Everyone needs a positive, supportive community and the great post-lockdown social interactions that martial arts classes provide.
We love serving our community and we want to help make your transition back to normal as amazing and as stress-free as possible. We believe Martial Arts is one of the best ways to make it that way. Try one of our web-exclusive special offers today and see the benefits Martial Arts can provide to your whole family!
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